SamuExpo 2024

08 Giu 2023
From 1 to 3 February 2024 SamuExpo returns to Pordenone and you can find us in Hall 7 Stand 43
08 Giu 2023
From 1 to 3 February 2024 SamuExpo returns to Pordenone and you can find us in Hall 7 Stand 43
17 Mar 2023
The sustainable lightness of innovative structures
Rassegna stampa
08 Apr 2020
Then there is the “manual” solidarity, if it could be called so, the solidarity of “friends of friends”.
Rassegna stampa
19 Mar 2020
I giorni del virus - Tre turni in 24 ore per garantire i letti ai vari ospedali La Tecnotubi di Concordia ne sta producendo 150 alla settimana e arriverà a 800 entro aprile. Il titolare: "Ci stiamo organizzando per garantire la massima produttività" Concordia - Sono tante le aziende del territorio portogruarese che nonostante questa fase di emergenza, economica esanitaria, legata alla diffusione del Coronavirus stanno incrementando la loro attività.
Rassegna stampa
14 Ott 2019
The passion for everything that flies and the experience as a conscript in the paratroopers explain this constant search for “lightness”.
Rassegna stampa
14 Nov 2013
“Light ideas”, because their realisation in aluminium and magnesium has reduced by 50% the weight of the frames manufactured but also because they are ideas that manage to take flight, guaranteeing a double-digit growth in turnover in the years of the health crisis